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AXA: Europe Short Duration High Yield - 24.03.2022

Europe Short Duration High Yield

Why now for Europe Short Duration High Yield?

As the world is struggling with Russia's invasion of Ukraine and the humanitarian catastrophe it is causing, investors are trying to assess the likely ramifications – not just the potential for further geopolitical stability and confrontation, but also the impacts on inflation and growth.

There is a belief that the uncertainty may delay some of the central bank moves that had become firmly priced-in by investors. Still, central banks will have to walk a very fine line between controlling inflation, and supporting economic activity.

Within this environment, we still see some reasons to be confident in the high yield asset class, as default rates remain low by historical standards and selling has so far been rather indiscriminate – even in credits that will ultimately see limited impact from these events. When the time is right, we believe there will be a good opportunity to buy bonds at attractive levels.  

Join us, as Chris Iggo, Chief Investment Officer, Yves Berger, Senior Portfolio Manager, AXA IM FIIS Europe Short Duration High Yield fund and Immo Gatzweiler, Senior Sales Manager discuss the implications of the current market environment on the European high yield asset class and why we believe a short duration approach is best to manoeuvre the market this year.

Donnerstag, 24.03.2022   -  10:00 Uhr

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